3 Unbeatable Benefits of Dental Implants

3 Unbeatable Benefits of Dental Implants

If you’re missing teeth, consider asking about dental implants. At Hulse Dental, the dentist and his team focus on providing their patients with high-quality care. The Onalaska, WI, practice knows people are nervous about the procedure and wants to explain a few of the benefits those who opt for implants experience. 

3 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

1. Bone Loss Prevention

The titanium screw that is inserted into your jawbone acts like the root of a tooth, helps prevent deterioration and irreversible bone loss, which can impact the structure of your face. As such, with a dental implant, you’ll prevent further issues from occurring and your face from sagging. 

2. Natural-Looking Tooth Replacement

dental implants

Dental implants look just like natural teeth. After the surgical site has healed, your dentist will use a crown to restore your tooth, allowing you to eat, smile, and talk as before. The implant will last a lifetime with good care. Most patients can’t even tell the difference between their implant and natural teeth.

3. Stability

Some people decide not to replace a missing tooth. However, when you have a gap, you’re more likely to get gum disease, as foods will get trapped in that area. Additionally, the neighboring teeth will eventually start leaning toward the gap, which can interfere with your bite, cause headaches and eventually lead to the loss of those neighboring teeth. Crooked teeth or a gap can also make you feel self-conscious. An implant is the perfect solution for closing the gap and stabilizing neighboring teeth.

If you’re interested in learning more about dental implants, the team at Hulse Dental will be happy to discuss this treatment option with you. Dr. Hulse has been serving patients in the Coulee region for over 20 years. They love helping people and making a difference in their lives by providing top-notch dental care. Visit the website for more information, or call the office at (608) 783-1306 to make an appointment.

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